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Food Freedom Rapid Reset

Everyone wants to lose weight yesterday, but it is the mind isn’t it, holding us back when it comes to persistence and consistency. We just can’t resist the little extra, or the late night biscuits. Maybe for a few days, but then we say we’ll start again on Monday. 
Wouldn’t life be easier if we just didn’t have it in our minds in the first place. 

Let’s change the mind to change the body 

I have made it possible to join my Food Freedom Rapid Reset Workshop, via the recorded zoom replays. 

We change your mind to change your body QUICKLY and with as much ease as possible. If we change it in the mind you’ll change it in the body. Then you’ll be able to continue on with consistency and persistence without the barriers of the mind to stop you. 

In the Food Freedom Rapid Reset I use NLP, Rapid hypnosis & Kinetic Shift Therapy among other things to change the circuits in the mind to get rid of that old programming that keeps you stuck. 

This is a self learn workshop but if you do wish to have a 1to1 session with me, there will be opportunities for that if you wish. (fees will apply) 

This is a fabulous introduction to the work I do and will give you a real shift in a short time. 

Price : £97

Once you sign up, you will receive an email with all the necessary links for the sessions.


I also highly recommend getting the Food Freedom Journal off Amazon to use with the workshop

Journal to Food Freedom and Body Confidence

Please check your spam in case and any issues please do not hestitate to get in touch.


Food Freedom Rapid Reset session 1 

Hypnotic Scribing - getting the subconscious on side from the start and using LOSS positively

Food Freedom Rapid Reset session 2 

Distancing and detaching from obstacles 

EMDR - changing how the brain sees the triggers 

Corridor of Life hypnosis 

Food Freedom Rapid Reset session 3 

Finger signaling with the subconscious -

 programming in new habits 

Unlocking definite success protocol 

Food Freedom Rapid Reset session 4 

Attaching your best self to your core identity 

Food Freedom Rapid Reset session 5 

Removing doubt - kinetic shift technique 

Making saying No easier 

Food Freedom Rapid Reset session 6 

Saying Yes to healthy eating and exercise 

Reprogramming - the reverse spin exercise

Food Freedom Rapid Reset session 7 

Repeat of stepping on the scales exercise 

Goals and wishes protocol - with reward 

Food Freedom Rapid Reset session 8 

Reinforcing with the Rivers results technique 

At the end of the workshop there will be opportunities to book in with me for a 1to1 session (fees apply) 


What The Workshop Entails. 

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